you know, this is me !! Rianti

you know, this is me !! Rianti
cheer your day up :)

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Mocca - Hyper Ballad


We live on a mountain
Right at the top
There's a beautiful view
From the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Like car-parts, bottles and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around
It's become a habit
A way to start the day

I go through all this
Before you wake me up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

I go through all this
Before you wake me up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

It's real early morning
No-one is awake
I'm back at my cliff
Still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
On their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
Imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks
When it lands
Will my eyes
Be closed or open?

I go through all this
Before you wake me up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

I go through all this
Before you wake me up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

I go through all this
Before you wake me up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

Safe up ( here with you ) ...

Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Kurang kerjaan di rumah sakit --"

I found it in favim, and I write over the paper

Indeed -.-

I heart unperfect GOOGLE

this !! if Google could give us this fact, I'm sure there will be no more "PHP (pemberi harapan palsu)" and "SMS (salah mbaca sikap) . haahha LOL

I found it in
such what I think about ~

Hari ini aku kehilangan sahabat

love can breaks friendship

kenapa harus gak temenan ? kenapa aku ga boleh hubungin kamu ? kenapa jahat banget ? lalu 14 tahun ini apa ? kita temenan dari TK, kok tega ? kenapa se kejam ini ? salah apa aku ? twitter di unfoll, facebook di unfirend, segitunya kah ? aku ini apa ? siapa ?

inilah pertanyaan yang pertama kali muncul di benak ku
semacam kecewa, nggak rela, dan nggak habis fikir.

tapi setelah 2 jam nangis dan aku ke kamar mandi, aku sadar.
harusnya aku ikhlas

sebelumnya udah pernah hal ini terjadi.
dia minta maaf, dia yang pengen balikin persahabtan kita kayak dulu lagi
tapi sekarang kejadian lagi, kasusnya berbeda.
kalo sebelumnya aku nyerah dan aku yang minta bubaran, sekarang sebaliknya, dy yang mutusin ninggalin aku
dia milih ceweknya

aku ngga pernah nyuruh dia milih, aku nggak pengen nempatin dia di posisi nggak enak
tapi dia milih, dan dia harus terima konsekuensinya, yaudah, aku pergi
hal ini yang dulu aku katakan ke dia.
dan dia bilang dia pengen jalanin bareng. dia tetep sahabat aku, dan ceweknya harus bisa nerima itu

tapi kayaknya hari ini ada yang salah
dia text ke aku yang intinya, aku udah ga bisa hubungin dia lagi karena dia udah milih kayak yang aku bilang
dia milih ceweknya,
siapa yang nyuruh kamu milih boy ? kenapa bilang kalo yang suruh itu aku ? gak inget ta kalo yang minta itu cewekmu?
well,kayaknya dia salah paham. aku nggak pernah nyuruh dia milih aku atau ceweknya.
yaudahlah, biarin aja. mungkin suatu saat dia bakal tau, aku nggak pernah minta dia ninggalin ceweknya.
aku nggak pernah minta itu

mungkin kedengerannya emang nyakitin banget. iya. karena emang iya
tapi sungguh, aku gak bisa ngebenci dia,
aku bisa ngerti,
aku hanya gak mau jadi pembatas dia
kali ini, aku relakan
dengan ikhlas :')
semoga dia baik disana
semoga hubungannya lancar
semoga dia nggak pernah nyesel untuk break friendship kita
semoga everything will be fine :'D

I pray for him

dan ketika suatu saat nanti dia balik dan minta buat jadi temen aku lagi
insyaAllah.. sayang ku tetep kebuka buat kamu sahabat :')
karena sungguh, aku sudah memaafkanmu jauh hari sebelum kamu membuat kesalahan itu :))
kapan pun kamu butuh aku
I will hold you
karena kamu tetep sahabat ku
bagiku :')


Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Rianti juga bisa random

honestly, I hate people complaining "too much"

curhat (part 1)

gw sudah sangat sering begini
untuk menyimpan dalam hati, atau hanya bisa nge post
iya, gw udah terbiasa sendiri. meski baru baru aja dapet temen baru yang lumayan enak diajak ngobrol. tapi engga semua masalah bisa di share ke dia, karena emang terlalu complicated
fine, akhir akhir ini gw sering banget keluar ke balcon rumah sakit, hanya untuk sekedar liat langit, atau kadang liat ke fly over , liat lampu lampu kendaraan. sejenak ngilangin kepenatan ada di dalem kamar rumah sakit panti nirmala.
emang bukan gw yang sakit, tapi singkatnya, gw disini jagain bude, dan gw sendirian, dalam seminggu ini dan mungkin untuk seminggu kedepan.
banyak hal yang gw bingung gimana musti ceritanya, dan hal hal ini yang berhasil bikin gw makan hati.
gw gak tega liat bude gw
gw sayang beliau, udah kayak gw sayang ke mama

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Gak berhak kecewa

lo pernah ngerasa gak berguna ? semacam idup lo sia sia.
well, simply lo kecewa ?

hey, you !!

kecewa itu bentuk protes terhadap Tuhan tentang apa yang Tuhan kasih bwt kita.
you guys, gak berhak gak puas tentang apa yang diberi Tuhan.

Seberapa banyak lo ngitung anugerah ? pernah lo itung ? bahkan anugerah yang nggak lo minta , dikasi sama Tuhan.
setiap nafas yang lo hirup, panca indera lo, fikiran lo, semuanya.
bahkan Tuhan tau kalo lo sukannya nangis, dan mengeluh, sehingga Tuhan kasih lo air mata.

Come on guys, you all have to open your eyes, to open your mind.
stop complaining, wanting to be somebody else, wishing you have what others had, thinking that God did injustice to you.

Everything you had is what you could't buy from God. thanks for all of them. Count your blessing :))

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Old song~

I do really love old songs
attracted by the lyrics
here is a sample  one of the song I love the most :3

You took my heart away - MLTR

Staring at the moon so blue
Turning all my thoughts to you
I was without hopes or dreams

I tried to dull an inner scream, but you
saw me through

Walking on a path of air
See your faces everywhere
As you melt this heart of stone
you take my hand to guide me home and now
I'm in love 
 You took my heart away
when my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
and a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
and you sleep by my side
you become the meaning of my life 

Living in a world so cold
you are there to warm my soul
You came to mend a broken heart
You gave my life a brand new start and now
I'm in love~

Holding your hand
I won't fear tomorrow
Here were we stand
we'll never be alone

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

I love these Stuffs :D

What you wanna do .vs. What you should do

To be clearly declared, I prefer doing What I should DO !!
Find, if you think I'm the type who don't have any sense of freedom. Well, guys. I do what I should do, cause I know, I should do what I wanna do. any complain ? so, please :P *devil laugh*

you are really precious, girls!!

Somehow, I miss her,
to be only us, to share everything 
hard to say in words,
I do really respect our friendship, I really do
every minutes we took , every idea we had, every problem we passed, every laugh we made, every steps we count, every scent we saw.
almost everything about us.
did she know how precious she is ? I just can't told her .
and yeah, it became harder when I've to say goodbye.
we have to live in hundreds mile away 

Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Prom night (High school most "wanted" event).

Tonight is prom night

Say goodbye to your friends
Set and pack precious moments
High school ending so soon
Laugh, tears, anger, love, pain, colorful, WONDERFUL 

Dear ex-crush,
thank you for seating in front of me , cause yeah, I don't give a damn for a case like this
you know, your girl is beautiful
and you are right, you showed me
a boy like you, the type I never hope will be mine
so it's okay tonight to have you in front of me, with your girl

Dear crush,
I'm waiting such a surprise, 
I don't see till I end the night
But, still thank you, you set me in safe mode
where I don't need to think about something more complicated
thank you for still in a crush mode 
still not sure if I catch you looking at me, or you catch me looking at you
not interest in love, but yes, I attracted to you

Dear ex-girl of ex-crush
you sing a beautiful song, but I don't think you match with your dress, #sorry
congratulation for your new relationship
don't you want to see my eyes ? I said congratulation !!!

Dear classmate,
no words could describe how precious you are,
I'm very proud to be part of you~

I dull on make an art object, but I do love art

Gw bukan tipe cewek yang imut lucu unyu-unyu.
Semacam, ehm, membosankan (pengakuan). 
Gak bisa nggambar, tapi sering ngiler sama art work model gambaran gitu, painting, semacamnya lah. 
Gak bisa main alat musik, tapi tahu yang mana yang mainnya berkualita *ehm,benerin kerah*
Gak pandai bikin kata kata , tapi suka baca quotes
Gak begitu pinter nulis, apalagi essay, tapi Bookholic banget kalo lagi mood baca
Gak suka yang terlalu details, I called it by "rempong"
I do believe, simple is the best artwork I ever know (maksa)

I foud it in
beautiful isn't it ? hand, with piano

Dare to be what ? Different (possitive way, still)

Look, to be different not always worst, it could be so colorful :))
Whoever you are outside, proud to be you !! God really gave you special thing what people impossible had. 
So, thanks to what you got, count your blessing.

Smarter, please ...

Pernah ngga lo ketemu orang yang males level akut ? nge baca intruksi aja kagak mau. 
nanya mulu'. 
please, I'm not leave in this planet to answer all of your questions, would you mind to read the instruction ??
Lo nanya lagi, gw gampar lo (karena ini negara timur, gw gak gampar beneran itu orang). 
Well, fine, gw tetep jawab, dengan ngepaksain "ikhlas" dan sedikit senyum nyengir di muka.
please, guys, be smarter. 
Yang lebih ngga smart adalah gw sendiri faktanya. 
Kenapa juga mau maunya nge jawab hal yang #ehm, engga penting. so ? conclusion ? gw yang nggak SMART 

who am I ? beautiful girl

Ordinary girl with extraordinary expectation. Not really interest in love. Love coffee, jazz, and others classical things. Enough leaving in own dream. Never think what people think about. Cool enough to be loved. Sometimes doing narcism act, unfunny things, even somethings unnecessary. what a Wow #plak